NonEuclid RAT Detection: Malware Enables Adversaries to Gain Unauthorized Remote Access and Control Over a Targeted System

CategoryDetailsThreat ActorsNonEuclid RAT developer (moniker: NAZZED); promoted on Russian forums and Discord channels.Campaign OverviewMalware spreading…

Hackers reportedly compromise Argentina’s airport security payroll system

CategoryDetailsThreat ActorsUnknown (potential internal accomplices or foreign actors); pseudonym "h4xx0r1337" linked to related incidents.Campaign OverviewCyberattack…

Cerberus Unchained: The Multi-Stage Trojan Banking Campaign Targeting Android Devices

Category Details Threat Actors Cerberus (also known as ErrorFather) Campaign Overview Cerberus reemerges as a…

PLAYFULGHOST Delivered via Phishing and SEO Poisoning in Trojanized VPN Apps

Category Details Threat Actors Not explicitly named, but shares functionality with Gh0st RAT, indicating potential…

Researchers Uncover Nuclei Vulnerability Enabling Signature Bypass and Code Execution

Category Details Threat Actors Not explicitly mentioned; potential attackers exploiting flaws in Nuclei templates. Campaign…

New FireScam Infostealer Spyware Hits Android via Fake Telegram Premium

Category Details Threat Actors Cybercriminals exploiting user trust in legitimate app names like Telegram to…

Malicious Obfuscated NPM Package Disguised as an Ethereum Tool Deploys Quasar RAT

CategoryDetailsThreat ActorsUser "solidit-dev-416" on npm; possibly tied to broader campaigns using Quasar RAT.Campaign Overview• Malicious…

Germany charges three suspected Russian spies accused of surveilling military sites

Category Details Threat Actors Suspected Russian-German nationals: Dieter S., Alexander J., and Alex D.; linked…

Water Makara Campaign: A Sophisticated Spear-Phishing Attack on Brazilian Enterprises

Category Details Threat Actors Unidentified actors deploying Astaroth malware through spear-phishing campaigns. Campaign Overview Spear-phishing…

The Threat of SIM Swapping Attacks on Financial Institutions

Category Details Threat Actors Scattered Spider, BlackCat (ALPHV), financially motivated groups. Campaign Overview SIM swapping…