Section | Details |
Threat Actors | Unknown cybercriminal group behind the WarmCookie malware campaign. |
Campaign Overview | WarmCookie campaign uses fake browser update prompts to trick users into downloading malware that steals sensitive data and spreads through compromised websites. |
Target Regions (Victims) | Affects various sectors including finance, healthcare, retail, national security, targeting both individual users and corporations. |
Methodology | Fake browser and application update prompts, distributed through compromised websites. Malware uses JavaScript and HTML to evade detection, performs actions like device fingerprinting, and exfiltrates sensitive data. |
Product Targeted | Browser and application updates (e.g., Chrome, Firefox); steals sensitive data like credentials, screenshots, keystrokes, and documents. |
Malware Reference | WarmCookie malware |
Tools Used | JavaScript, HTML, social engineering techniques, anti-virtual machine checks, device fingerprinting, info stealers, remote access tools, and ransomware payloads. |
Vulnerabilities Exploited | Exploits user trust in browser update prompts; bypasses traditional security tools through social engineering and advanced evasion techniques. |
TTPs | T1566 (Phishing), T1204 (User Execution), T1059.001 (PowerShell), T1082 (System Discovery), T1053 (Scheduled Task Creation) |
Attribution | Unidentified cybercriminal group. |
Recommendations | • Train users to recognize social engineering attacks • Enable antivirus/antimalware • Implement execution and behavior prevention on endpoints • Use network intrusion prevention systems |
Source | SOCRADAR |
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