Threat Actors |
CoughingDown, Chinese state-aligned threat cluster Cluster Alpha, BackdoorDiplomacy, REF5961, Worok, TA428. |
Campaign Overview |
Targeted ISPs and governmental entities in the Middle East with an updated variant of EAGERBEE malware framework. |
Target Regions (Or Victims) |
Middle East ISPs and governmental entities, East Asia organizations. |
Methodology |
Injection of DLL to launch EAGERBEE backdoor; plugins for various tasks like system enumeration and data exfiltration. |
Product Targeted |
Governmental and ISP infrastructure, sensitive data related to military and political secrets. |
Malware Reference |
EAGERBEE (aka Thumtais). |
Tools Used |
EAGERBEE backdoor, Plugin Orchestrator, Remote Access Manager, File System Manipulation, Process Exploration. |
Vulnerabilities Exploited |
ProxyLogon vulnerability (CVE-2021-26855) for web shell deployment, memory-resident architecture. |
TTPs |
DLL injection, memory-resident architecture, system enumeration, process management, remote connections. |
Attribution |
CoughingDown (suspected); Chinese state-aligned Cluster Alpha and associated groups. |
Recommendations |
Patch ProxyLogon vulnerability, use advanced endpoint security, monitor network connections for anomalies.
Source |
The Hackers News |
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